domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011

Draksen: preparando la reunion (gearing up for our comeback concert)

Ayer nos junatmos todos los Draksen de la ultima alineacion (la que grabo el album): Tacho, Alex, Fabian y yo, en el Wing's de Av. Sta. Margarita para empezar a planear nuestro concierto de reunion, lo que marcaría la primera vez en casi 18 años que nos estariamos presentando juntos como Draksen, despues de que la banda quebrará en Diciembre de 1994. 
Cabe notar que nuestra reunion es para un concierto y la posibilidad de grabar un par de temas que quedaron "enlatados" y darles su merecido tratamiento en un estudio profesional. No es un regreso "total", ya que Alex tiene su banda oficial, Fahrenheit, yo con Broken Bit y Tacho y Fabian con varias ocupaciones (Tacho y yo estamos por hacer algo musical). No descartamos la posibilidad de hacer mas presentaciones despues del primer concierto, pero tendrian que agendarse en segundo plano a nuestros compromisos actuales.

Estamos ansiosos de regresar a thrashear con nuestros amigos! Los mantendre informados!!!

Keep thrashing!!!

domingo, 30 de enero de 2011

Draksen album remastered again (2011)

Although the last remaster is the official, pro-supervised one, this remaster will please some friends and fans of ours. For one, the sound is louder and a bit more powerful. Plus, you have 4 previously unreleased mixes: Epitafio, Improved Hatred, In The Name Of The Cause and Tae Kwon Do. "Epitafio" (or "epitaph") is a mix that was done along with the final mixes of the album. The drums sound bigger and overall it's a heavier mix. Why we didn't use this one is beyond me. Plus, the guitars are really crunchy here, the way it should've sound on the entire album. "Improved Hatred" is also a different mix. The drums are not as loud as with the original mix. The guitars are the ones that reign here, but overall I think it's a more aggressive mix, suitable for this song in particular. Same goes with "In The Name...", although the mellow guitar part in the middle sounds a bit buried. Plus, I hate the way that solo came out (the mellow part). I love the solo when the song picks up, but the mellow part always makes me cringe. "TKD" was shortened. I don't remember the reason to make the song longer in the final mix. This is a joke song of course, but a lot of people loved it. At least we have one song in Korean!!!

Again, the MP3 files are perefectly tagged and with a higher bit rate and VBR. Thanx to all those who've downloaded our album. I hope you enjoy this remaster because it should sound a bit better and fuller. Don't forget to leave your comments, even if you think we sucked (we no longer exist, thus we no longer suck! Hahaha!).

Un saludo a todos los thrashers de Mexico que han descargado nuestro album. You fuckin' RULE!

Download / Descarga:

lunes, 24 de enero de 2011

Sesons In The Abyss "Remastered"

Another great thrash album that hasn't been remastered. When played along newer Slayer CD's or MP3s, "Seasons" sounds very quiet and low. Again, I just raised the volume a bit more and EQd it to have a bit more bass, nothing over the top. I hope you guys notice and like the difference! Enjoy!